Monday, January 24, 2011

Unofficial WI

So I usually weigh myself in the morning on Mondays, just to gauge my progress, even though my "official" WW WI isn't until 5:30.
Pic attached. (Don't be jealous of my fluffy purple socks.)
I am kind of disappointed, but I know that AF is overdue, so let's just blame it on that. No signs of it, but I know it is coming. *sigh*
I'll check in later.

Sent via BlackBerry mobile device


  1. hey - a loss is a loss. :) you didn't gain it overnight, and (unfortunately) you won't lose it overnight.

    Just think of it like this: next week, you'll have a huge drop due to your current fabulous exercise and nutrition (if not, spoken into existence) and the end of AF.

  2. But it's not a loss. :( I was at 367ish last week. At least it's only a pound though. AF is an evil, evil heffa.

    Yes, I need to get moving this week. I think I only exercised once last week. Shameful.
